Welcome To Our Family
If you are new to Common Ground, or have been coming for a while, but haven’t yet had an opportunity to join a Life Group or become a member of the family, then this is for you. Welcome to the family is an opportunity for you to decide if you want this family (Common Ground Durbanville) to be your family.
For 5 weeks, starting on the 8th of May we will get together at the church building for a time of input, small groups, discussion, and questions. We will be discussing things like what we believe as a church, the rhythms we live in, how we do leadership and finances and serving, and how we serve the poor and the marginalized.
We will be breaking into small groups so you can discuss and ask any questions you might have. And, if you haven’t already had the opportunity to join a life group, link you up with life group leaders and other new people who are also looking to dive deeper into community. Basically everything you need to slot into the family.
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Welcome To Our Family
We’re excited that you’re considering taking this next step towards becoming a fully-fledged family member in our community.